
‧本文由 asd 分享 ‧ 2013-03-01 ‧ 顯示 2,046 次 ‧ 轉寄 35 次 ‧ 短評 0 篇 ‧
Dear Mr. Lee,

When asked about the bankruptcy of Rhythm + Hues, the visual effects house largely responsible for making your film “life of Pi” as incredible as it was, you said:

“I would like it to be cheaper and not a tough business [for VFX vendors]. It’s easy for me to say, but it’s very tough. It’s very hard for them to make money. The research and development is so expensive; that is a big burden for every house. They all have good times and hard times, and in the tough times, some may not [survive].”

I just want to point out that while, yes R&D can be expensive and yes it takes a lot of technology and computing power to create films like yours, it is not computer chips and hard drives that are costing you so very much money. It is the artists that are helping you create your film.

So when you say “I would like it to be cheaper,” as an artist I take that personally. It took hundreds of hours from skilled artists and hard-working coordinators and producers to craft the environments and performances in life of Pi. Not to mention the engineers that wrote all of that proprietary code and build the R+H pipeline. That is where your money went. I’d say, judging from the night you just had, you got one hell of a deal.

Incidentally, those were the same gorgeous sunsets and vistas that your DP Claudio Miranda took credit for without so much as a word of thanks to those artists. And the same animated performances that helped win you the best director statue. Nice of you to mentionthe pool crew, but maybe you could have thanked the guys and gals who turned that pool in to an ocean and put a tiger in to that boat?
順帶一提,你的攝影師Claudio Miranda贏得了奧斯卡最佳攝影,但是電影中那些燦爛美麗的夕陽落日卻是特效人員的功勞,他得獎時連謝謝都沒說一句。而為你贏得最佳導演的許多動物角色,牠們的表演其實也是出自動畫師的巧手。很高興你有提到在造浪池現場的工作團隊,但是或許你也應該謝謝把那個游泳池變成大海,把老虎放進船裡的幕後人員。(編按:救生船上的老虎其實都是由電腦繪圖所產生,可以說整部片有超過八成的老虎以及其他會動的動物都是來自特效團隊默默的辛勤努力,讓牠們看起來栩栩如生,而且可以做到任何導演希望的表演。)

It was world class work, after all. And after a fabulously insulting and dismissive introduction from the cast of the avengers, at least two of whom spent fully half of their film as a digitally animated character, R+H won for it’s work on your very fine piece of cinema. And just as the bankruptcy was about to be acknowledged on a nationally-televised platform, the speech was cut short. By the Jaws theme.

If this was meant as a joke, we artists are not laughing.

Mr. Lee, I do believe that you are a thoughtful and brilliant man. And a gifted filmmaker. But I also believe that you and everyone in your tier of our business is fabulously ignorant to the pain and turmoil you are putting artists through. Our employers scramble to chase illegal film subsidies across the globe at the behest of the film studios. Those same subsidies raise overhead, distort the market, and cause wage stagnation in what are already trying economic times. Your VFX are already cheaper than they should be. It is disheartening to see how blissfully unaware of this fact you truly are.

By all accounts, R+H is a fantastic place to work; a truly great group of people who treat their employees with fairness and respect. Much like Zoic Studios, the fabulous company that I am proud to work for. But I am beginning to wonder if these examples of decency will be able to survive in such a hostile environment. Or if the horror stories of unpaid overtime and illegal employment practices will become the norm, all because you and your fellow filmmakers “would like it to be cheaper.”
在特效圈的人都知道,R&H擁有優質的工作環境且有著很棒的公司領導階層,對待底下員工既公平又尊重。更多的好公司像是:Zoic Studios,我也深感榮幸自己曾在那裏工作過,但是我不禁開始擔憂這樣正派的好公司會不會同樣面臨存亡危機,或者是讓不發加班費以及訂定不合勞基法的雇用合約,這些糟糕至極的事變成常態,只因為你和你那圈子的製片人想要"更便宜"。

I for one won’t stand for it. Please join me.

Warmest regards and congratulations,
Phillip Broste
Lead Compositor
Zoic Studios 特效指導
Phillip Broste
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