‧本文由 CK 分享 ‧
2006-12-02 ‧
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短評 7 篇
Boy: Sweetie, I want to hold your hand forever.*Girl smiles and let boy holds her hand*
5 years down the road, boy married girl. Now husband and wife.
Wife: Lou gong, hold hand?
Hubby: Aiyo, the weather so hot and my palms are so sweaty and you still want us to hold hands like the youngsters do? Somemore I am carrying so many things. Hmmm... maybe I'll hold your hand when we cross the road in front, okay?
*Wife nods her head and follows her husband side-by-side*
10 years later, wife gave birth to two beautiful kids. One boy and one girl.
Wife: Hubby, hold hand?
Hubby: Aiyo, no need laa. Kids already got liao lor, still wanna hold hand ar?
Wife: Aiya, I am not asking you to hold my hand. I am asking you to hold the two monkeys' hands. Watch your steps carefully and stop staring at that sexy sweet young thing!
*Wife scold-scold and pinch-pinch husband's ears red-red*
Another 20 years have passed by, both husband and wife grow old together gracefully. Now Ah Po and Ah Gong already.
Ah Po: Darling, hold hand?
Ah Gong: So old already still wanna hold hand ar? Pai-seh laa!!!
Ah Po: You think I asked you meh? Last time you said you wanna hold my hand forever laa, this laa, that laa, all lying one. Your hands are so old and wrinkly. Now you ask me to hold your hand I also don't want already. Somemore nowadays I got someone else to hold hand with, someone who is younger and more handsome than you! Hrmmph!
Ah Gong: ...
*Ah Po bends down to hold her 3-year-old darling grandson's hand. And she strolls off with him with a vindictive smile on her face*
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於 2006-12-02 11:01:11 說 so...? | |
於 2006-12-02 11:58:36 說 IF you have time, hold her/his hand. | |
於 2006-12-02 19:49:57 說 hahaha,just like a joke. | |
龍捲風= 平生修得隨緣性-粗茶淡飯也知足 =
於 2006-12-03 06:48:14 說 感謝分享。 | |
於 2006-12-04 11:06:00 說 感謝分享。 | |
蛇蛇= 謙虛~謙虛~謙虛 =
於 2006-12-04 21:50:27 說 感謝分享~ | |
於 2006-12-10 11:03:03 說 感謝分享 | |