Ginger - A Cancer Killer in the Kitchen
‧本文由 Valerie_cv1976 分享 ‧
2006-07-16 ‧
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短評 3 篇
By Jon Herring
The powerful healing effects of ginger have been well documented. It's a proven remedy for upset stomach. Reams of studies show that it inhibits inflammation. And there is substantial evidence that it fights cancer too.
For instance, a recent University of Michigan study showed that when ginger was added to ovarian cancer cells in the laboratory, it caused the cancer cells to self-destruct (a process known as "apoptosis").
In a separate study at the University of Minnesota, researchers injected colon cancer cells into mice that were bred to have no immune system.
Half of these mice were routinely fed gingerol, the main active component in ginger. The researchers found that the mice that were fed gingerol lived longer, their tumors were smaller, and the cancer did not spread as widely as in the control group.
With all these health benefits, you should be using ginger as often as you can. The best way I've found to get a healthy serving of ginger is to juice it. (The brand of juicer I use is an Omega.)
Two or three days a week, I juice an apple or two, some carrots, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, and a big piece of ginger root. The ginger gives the drink a great flavor and a powerful anti-cancer kick. I highly recommend that you try it.
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小吉= 寧得罪小人, 莫得罪高層 =
於 2006-07-16 01:01:25 說 but i dont like ginger at all.......... | |
於 2006-07-16 12:16:19 說 I like it. | |
於 2006-07-16 22:53:24 說 thank you | |