liver damage
‧本文由 Valerie_cv1976 分享 ‧
2006-04-14 ‧
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短評 7 篇
The main causes of liver damage are:- Sleeping too late and waking up too late is the main cause.
- Not urinating in the morning.
- Too much eating.
- Skipping breakfast.
- Consuming too much medication.
- Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.
- Consuming unhealthy cooking oil.As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.
- Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver.Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.
Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our bodies to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Evening at 9 - 11pm : is the time for eliminating unnecessary/toxic chemicals (de-toxification) from the antibody system (lymph nodes).This time duration should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. If during this time a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as washing the dishes or monitoring children doing their homework, this will have a negative impact on health.
Evening at 11pm - 1am : is the detoxification process in the liver, and ideally should be done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 1 - 3am : de-toxification process in the gall, also ideally done in a deep sleep state.
Early morning 3 - 5am : de-toxification in the lungs.Therefore there will sometimes be a severe cough for cough sufferers during this time. Since the de-toxification process had reached the respiratory tract, there is no need to take cough medicine so as not to interfere with toxin removal process.
Morning 5 - 7am : de-toxification in the colon, you should empty your bowel.
Morning 7 - 9am : absorption of nutrients in the small in testine, you should be having breakfast at this time.Breakfast should be earlier, before 6:30am, for those who are sick.
Breakfast before 7:30am is very beneficial to those wanting to stay fit. Those who always skip breakfast, they should change their habits, and it is still better to eat breakfast late until 9 - 10am rather than no meal at all.
Sleeping so late and waking up too late will disrupt the process of removing unnecessary chemicals. Aside from that, midnight to 4am is the time when the bone marrow produces blood. Therefore, have a good sleep and don't sleep late.
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小吉= 寧得罪小人, 莫得罪高層 =
於 2006-04-14 00:31:04 說 看來我已經做了很多事情去damage my liver了.......... | |
叮咚= Dare to dream, able to win! =
於 2006-04-14 04:21:03 說 大家要少做些爆肝的事啊~~ | |
於 2006-04-14 08:42:14 說 good | |
刺刺丸= =時間證明一切= =
於 2006-04-14 18:51:52 說 我看不懂....= = | |
於 2006-04-15 09:44:21 說 第1與第4點是我必須要注意的... 謝謝分享 | |
於 2006-04-15 14:41:55 說 thanks for shearing this article,its so important to me. | |
於 2006-05-13 08:24:24 說 .....幾乎每一像我都有...應該改一改作息習慣了 | |