‧本文由 valerie_cv1976 分享 ‧
2008-08-20 ‧
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短評 2 篇
Mum and Dad were watching TV when Mum said, "I'm tired, and it's getting late. I think I'll go to bed."She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the next day's lunches. Rinsed out the popcorn bowls, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, checked the cereal box levels, filled the sugar container, put spoons and bowls on the table and started the coffee pot for brewing the next morning.
She then put some wet clothes in the dryer, put a load of clothes into the washer, ironed a shirt and secured a loose button. She picked up the game pieces left on the table, put the phone back on the charger and put the telephone book into the drawer. She watered the plants, emptied a wastebasket and hung up a towel to dry. She yawned and stretched and headed for the bedroom.
She stopped by the desk and wrote a note to the teacher, counted out some cash for the excursion and pulled a text book out from hiding under the chair. She signed a birthday card for a friend, addressed and stamped the envelope and wrote a quick note for the grocery store. She put both near her bag.
Mum then washed her face with 3 in 1 cleanser, put on her Night Solution & age fighting moisturizer, brushed and flossed her teeth and filed her nails.
Dad called out, "I thought you were going to bed."
"I'm on my way," she said. She put some water into the dog's dish and put the cat outside, then made sure the doors were locked and the patio light was on. She looked in on each of the kids and turned out their bedside lamps and radios, hung up a shirt, threw some dirty socks into the hamper, and had a brief conversation with the one up still doing homework.
In her own room, she set the alarm; laid out clothing for the next day, straightened up the shoe rack. She added three things to her 6 most important things to do list. She said her prayers, and visualized the accomplishment of her goals.
About that time, Dad turned off the TV and announced to no one in particular. "I'm going to bed." And he did...without another thought.
Anything extraordinary here? Wonder why women live longer...?
(and they can't die sooner, they still have things to do!!!!)
Send this to five phenomenal women today...they' ll love you for it! Then: GO TO BED!
And Forward this to as many men as you can so that they know why women are so special :) ........!
God's very own creation! :)
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nailer= 不要拿別人的過錯來懲罰自己 =
於 2008-08-20 12:37:11 說 要不是家裡有個照顧全家大小的老婆(媽媽) 那肯定會變成邋遢的家~所以要好好對待女人 | |
於 2008-08-21 12:28:14 說 樓上說的是 | |