Small Home Office in Your Backyard : OfficePOD

‧本文由 叮咚 分享 ‧ 2010-12-28 ‧ 顯示 3,494 次 ‧ 轉寄 0 次 ‧ 短評 1 篇 ‧

In these days working from home is becoming a trend thanks to the internet.

For those of you who work from home, or want to have a quiet place to work the OfficePOD provides a new additional space that is dedicated to work only.

This creates a very important mental and physical boundary between home and work.

The Office POD brings a whole new meaning to the idea of remote working as it comprises a rather sleek workspace in an all inclusive capsule.

The OfficePOD is of optimum size (2.1m x 2.1m) and does not require planning consent in the greater majority of cases.

It’s modular design enables speedy construction even in gardens with the most difficult access. The POD has been designed to provide appropriate security when empty or occupied.

The external and internal look and feel of the space as well as the overall user experience is the product of an extensive design process.




The OfficePOD provides the user with an efficient use of space with innovative storage and desktop solutions.
High quality materials have been carefully chosen for their combination of visual, physical and environmental characteristics.
Power is provided via a discrete and protected connection to the house or garage; IT and phone connectivity is generally wireless but can be similarly cabled.
The POD is provided with a secure locking system of the highest quality.
So what do you think about this small office that can be placed in your garden ? Hot or not ?




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m 短腿賤貓= 忠於感覺 做自己 =  於 2010-12-29 23:07:29 說

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