Presenting the World's Fastest Electric Vehicle

‧本文由 asd 分享 ‧ 2013-07-02 ‧ 顯示 2,502 次 ‧ 轉寄 36 次 ‧ 短評 0 篇 ‧
 Presenting the World's Fastest Electric Vehicle We're fans of all things cutting edge, and that most certainly includes the gadgets that get you from A to B. In the world of vehicles, the newest and freshest offerings are all  electric.  New products from Tesla Motors, Elon Musk's Silicon Valley-based electric vehicle company, are always a hit. But Tesla's not the only company producing super speedy high-tech vehicles; in fact, cars are just the tip of the electric-vehicle iceberg.   Take, for example, the JR-Maglev MLX01, an experimental magnetic levitation train  developed in Japan. It uses magnets to move and stay on track, and is capable of  topping 360 mph. Meanwhile, France's Train a Grande Vitesse uses old-fashioned  wheels, but also runs on electricity, and has traveled as fast as 357 mph.
The spiffy looking Tesla Roadster Sport can hit 125 mph, but that doesn't even place it in the top two of fastest electric cars. A pair of electric motorcycles - the Lawless OCC Rocket Bike and Mission R - would also dust it in a drag race. The Roadster Sport, however, has them all beat on looks.   , gives us a run down of all the world's fastest electric vehicles. Tesla is represented  there, along with the aforementioned super bike and high-speed trains, but there are a few funky-looking surprises as well. Check out the full infographic for more; then let us know in the comments: Which futuristic vehicle would you most like to take for a spin?

640 hp Eliica 8 wheel drive Li-ion powered Electric Vehicle 370 km/h
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