天梯 the steps to sky

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天梯 Steps to reach the sky

Have you ever climb one of these ? Not for the fainted heart.

For many, the stairs are something to avoid unless you're determined to lose some weight. But lovers of nature and spectacular views are more than used to climbing steps and more steps to recreate the view.

This list of steps is also a challenge for those who are a little dizzy. Created leveraging recesses of mountains and landforms, and sometimes directly on the spot to go, will be the stars of curses and anecdotes alike.

Peldaños del CañónWhere you are:  Pailon del Diablo ,  Ecuador
Where are they going? Designed to descend to the bottom of one of the most famous waterfalls in South America, along the way, lost in the fog in many cases, it is extremely slippery and steep for tens of meters to a lookout where you can see a dramatic effect, accompanied by humming birds, gulls and other local birds.

El pozo de Chand Baori Where you are:  India
Where are they going? The decline of these steps leads to a huge pool, built in the tenth century to overcome the lack of rainfall in the region and store water for long periods. The structure has a total of 3,500 steps, and down to a depth of 30 meters.

Stairs Elbe Sandstone Mountains
Where you are:  Dresden, Germany
Where are they going? Stairs carved into the stone itself of these mountains. They date from the 13th century and have been eroded by wind and water, but they are still being used daily by tourists. 487steps, though not enough, were restored and expanded in the eighteenth century to facilitate transit.

The Rock of Guatapé
Where you are:  Antioquia, Colombia
Where are they going? The rock is an authentic stone monolith of 220 meters. The steps are constructed with cement, directly on the rock and making a curious place that facilitated cleavage structure. Some 702 steps are to be followed to reach its peak.

The ladder Haiku
Where you are:  Oahu, Hawaii
Material: metal
Where are they going? On the small  island  of  Oahu, there is this tremendous journey of 3,922 steps, climbing, cross and down a hill of 850 meters. They were created to facilitate the installation of a satellite in 1942. In principle wood, were modernized in the '50s, but since 1987 are closed to the public.

The Inca Trail
Where you are:  Peru
Where are they going? An ancient trade route linking the city of Cuzco to Machu Pichu. For the rugged geography of the area, the Inca Trail and forced detours around to evolve between hills and mountains. The result: miles and miles of stairs, in some cases very precarious, as the famous floating staircases.

Ladder Via Crucis
Where you are: Bermeo, Basque Country, Spain
Where are they going? This endless row of stairs attached to the rock coast where a small church dating from the tenth century can be found and seems to be of Templar.
To reach the hermitage of San Juan de Gaztelugatxe, you have to climb 231 steps and there are gaps in the steps that are identified as the footsteps of St. John himself, who was given different healing powers. For example, you have to put your feet in them as a solution for corns or left hats, scarves or chapelas, to cure the headache.

Spiral staircase in the Taihang Mountains
Where you are: At the boundary between the provinces of  Shanxi  and  Henan, China
Where are they going? This spiral staircase of almost 100 meters have been installed recently in an attempt to attract thousands of tourists each year to the beautiful Taihang Mountains .
Before undertaking the ascent, visitors will be asked to sign forms to ensure they do not have heart or lung problems, and are under age 60.  And if there is a slip in the narrow metal ladder, you certainly could 'lead to heaven', as the song of Led Zeppelin goes.

Wayna Pichu
Where you are:  Machu Picchu, Peru
Where are they going? Stairs carved into the rock that crown a climb of about 360 meters from Machu Picchu itself. In some sections, the ascent is complicated to pass through narrow sections and small steps and eroded. The rise time is calculated from one hour to one and a half hours.  Quota is limited tbo 400 tourists a day and closes access from 1pm, just in case you're planning a try.

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