Buddha Fruit 佛形相水果
‧本文由 James Tseng 分享 ‧
2012-11-05 ‧
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Buddha Fruit
Hi Dear all,
This is innovation and she deserves to make it (rich). It is hard work and very time consuming waiting for the fruit to develop inside a mould. - Just imagine clamping a mould on each fruit with so many screws.
The Japanese also made square shaped watermelons some time ago.
Branching out the Buddha: The Chinese orchard growing pears in the image of religion's founder
UPDATED: 07:09 GMT, 7 September 2012
A pear grown in the shape of one of the world's most important spiritual teachers? You Buddha believe it.
These bizarre Buddha-shaped pears were invented by a farmer in China who is planning to export his novel idea to the UK.
Hao Xianzhang has created 10,000 of the mini marvels at his orchard this season and said he plans to take the fruits of his labour to Europe.
A woman demonstrates a baby-shaped pear in Handan city, in north China's Hebei province
Hao spent six years perfecting the intricate baby pears, carefully crafting each one which grows inside an individual mould.
Despite their hefty cost of £5 each, locals in his home village of Hexia, in Hebia, northern China, have been snapping them up.
'People seem to think they are cute or lucky and will buy them as soon as they're off the tree,' Hao explained.
Hang time: Baby-shaped pears will soon be coming to a supermarket near you
Sleeping giants: baby-shaped pears could be all the rage in Britain
After years of effort, the farmer succeeded in creating the mini marvels and planned to take the fruits of his labour to the UK and Europe
The baby-shaped pears are put on display and have attracted a lot of customers
Gao spent six years perfecting the intricate baby-shaped pears, carefully crafting each one which grows inside an individual mould
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於 2012-11-05 12:51:43 說 | |
Ki Ki
於 2012-11-06 06:01:00 說 ★v★ | |