Snatch thief INSIDE restaurant
‧本文由 Valerie_cv1976 分享 ‧
2007-05-14 ‧
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Hi everyone - especially lady manasa yogis,I was witness to a snatched handbag incident last Friday; I want to share my exprience so that we can try and be more careful and safeguard ourselves. I don't mean to sound paranoid, and I have no intention of "frightening" anyone. It's just that to be forewarned is to be forearmed...
My girlfriends and I were having dinner at PANGKOR SEAFOOD in Taman Megah; it's a corner restaurant opposite Fatty Crab. We were seated at a table on the side which is open to the 5-foot way. The guy entered, walked right into the restaurant, scanning as if looking for someone, then cooly walked past our table, and snatched my friend's handbag which was on the back of her chair; she was leaning on it! He ran out and hopped onto a waiting bike.
Most customers and my friends dashed out but of course , we were too late...The incident really made me aware of how vulnerable we are at all times when we carry please try and remember the following if you're carrying handbags:
1) Try and sit at tables that are in the centre of restaurants
2) If you have to sit at tables on the side or 5-foot way, be extra careful with your handbag. I know someone whose bag was snatched from her lap!
3) Never leave your handbag on a chair next to you. My friends and i used to do that, grab an empty chair, and put all our bags in ONE chair. Times have become desperate and this will be easy game to snatch thieves.
4) Don't sling bag over chair or place it on back of chair. Someone said we should sit on our handbags. Why not if there are no breakables inside.
I guess you can never be careful enough but I think snatch thieves are always looking for bags that are easiest to grab so we should make it most difficult for them, and avoid being an easy target.
Take care.
PS The police when we reported it, said crime rate goes up before and during festive season.
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叮咚= Dare to dream, able to win! =
於 2007-05-14 12:19:55 說 嗯,大家要小心啊∼尤其很多女生愛用名牌包,一旦被搶,損失可大了哩∼ | |
於 2007-05-14 12:53:31 說 要注意一下 | |
於 2007-05-18 15:45:24 說 要注意一下 | |